Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Fotografii legendare si povestea din spatele lor

Din cand in cand,o sa postez aici fotografii care au facut istorie si un pic de "trivia" din jurul lor. Toate sunt preluate de pe diverse site-uri, la fel ca si foto-explicatiile. Sunt sigura ca unii dintre voi le stiu, dar banuiesc ca nu va deranjeaza daca le mai vedeti o data, chiar daca unele dintre ele sunt destul de violente si dramatice. Primele, insa, sunt destul de soft.

Lunch atop a Skyscraper [1932]

Lunch atop a Skyscraper (New York Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam) is a famous photograph taken by Charles C. Ebbets during construction of the GE Building at Rockefeller Center in 1932.

The photograph depicts 11 men eating lunch, seated on a girder with their feet dangling hundreds of feet above the New York City streets. Ebbets took the photo on September 29, 1932, and it appeared in the New York Herald Tribune in its Sunday photo supplement on October 2. Taken on the 69th floor of the GE Building during the last several months of construction, the photo Resting on a Girder shows the same workers napping on the beam.

Here's a rare image by the same photographer showing the workers sleeping on the crossbeam.


roaitars said...

Inteleg ca si in America Dorel doarme la post, numai ca acolo macar e la inaltime :))
Pe de alta parte, ma ia cu ameteala numai cind ma uit la pozele alea...

Cel care considera said...

Draga Oana,

Pe bune... it's creepy:( pai cum sa mananci si sa dormi acolo. Urmatoarea poza poate urma sa fie o kama sutra related...tot la aceleasi bare...