Thursday 30 August 2007

Sa va bush-easca rasul

Eu am ras cu lacrimi! Bush este mama si tatal cascadorilor rasului!

Today, the New York Daily News presented at length an upcoming book called The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy. And while its tactful title initially leads one to believe the work could be pertinent – maybe even smart – the words from its pages paint a different, Dice Clay-ian picture. Take, for example, this yarn about a Stanford professor demonstrating for some friends how taut Condi’s ass is:
Wanting to show his partner how firm Rice’s behind was, Blacker postulated that if he aimed a quarter at her butt, it would bounce right off like a rocket.
“He was right,” says Kessler. “[Rice] didn’t realize what he had done until everyone was laughing hysterically. She was flattered and proud.”
And while Bush sometimes introduces her as “the most powerful woman in the history of the world,” he also considers her “like my sister.” Thus, at a briefing, he skipped over the gory details of the rape and torture committed by Saddam Hussein’s sons, explaining: “I didn’t want to say [those things] in front of Condi.”


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Oana Dobre-Dimofte said...

Bine, teofil, te cred pe cuvant! :)

Anonymous said...

ce ma enerveaza pe mine teoristii conspirationali care in loc sa se amuze de frumusetea momentului, a gafei, gasesesc ei profunditati si interpretari. draga teofile, vreau sa spun ca cei care conduc lumea sunt egali cu mine in fata unui cutremur, a unei eruptii. lumea e guvernata de natura, POTI SA MA CREZI PE CUVINT. :) si tu, oana :)

Oana Dobre-Dimofte said...

Si pe tine te cred pe cuvant, George! Dar credeti-ma si voi pe mine pe cuvant ca asta nu va fi o dezbatere despre servicii! Poate o sa facem si despre asta un topic candva. Deocamdata, pana la discutia despre intelligence, va invit sa savurati inteligenta lui Bush.

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Anonymous said...

si desenele animate cu bush sint excelente! le gasesti pe torente sub numele de lil' bush in episoade de 20 minute! merita 100% vazute! ;)

Anonymous said...

Citeam io odata pe un forum cum il anulau unii pe Tutea...niste mediocrii da sa vezi cu ce aplomb aveau.... Si stii ce ? Tutea a ramas ce era si inainte iar oamenii aia au ramas tot asa : mediocrii.